First Super Scientists: Applauding the Very First Person to Receive India’s Special VAIBHAV Award

The Vaishvik Bharatiya Vaigyanik (VAIBHAV) Fellowship is a scheme introduced by the Department of Science and Technology (DST) in India to attract Indian-origin scientists living abroad for short-term collaboration with Indian institutes. The fellowship aims to strengthen research connections, promote collaborative projects, and encourage technology start-ups. Here are some key points from the information provided:

  1. Recipients and Duration:
    • Twenty-two scientists have been selected as the first recipients of the fellowship.
    • The fellowship allows scientists to spend one to two months annually, for a maximum of three years, at Indian institutes such as the Indian Institute of Science and the Indian Institutes of Technology.
  2. Support for Fellows:
    • VAIBHAV fellows receive a stipend, accommodation, and research grants for their host institutions.
    • The stipend is provided to support the collaborative research work during their stay in India.
  3. Objective of the Scheme:
    • The scheme aims to encourage collaborative projects, technology start-ups, and the establishment of long-term research connections between diaspora scientists and Indian institutions.
  4. Address by Union Minister Dr. Jitendra Singh:
    • The Indian diaspora, especially in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Medicine (STEMM), plays a crucial role in shaping global advancements.
    • The minister emphasized the significant contributions of Indian scientists in various fields and the commitment to scientific progress and technological innovation.
  5. Highlighting India’s Progress:
    • Dr. Jitendra Singh highlighted India’s advancements in various scientific fields, contributing to societal challenges, economic growth, and global scientific endeavors.
    • He mentioned the considerable progress made in India’s position in the Global Innovation Index.
  6. Nature and Duration of Support:
    • The fellowship is tenable only in India and can be implemented in recognized academic institutions, national laboratories, and other recognized R & D institutions.
    • The fellowship is for 1-2 months each year for a period of 3 years, with financial support provided to the fellows.
  7. Application and Selection Process:
    • Applications are invited twice a year, ending on 31st July and 31st January.
    • Selection is based on the recommendations of an Expert Committee constituted by the DST.

Overall, the VAIBHAV Fellowship is designed to foster collaboration and knowledge exchange between Indian diaspora scientists and institutions in India, with a focus on advancing research and innovation in various scientific fields.

Source: Department of Science and Technology